San Antonio Child Support Lawyers
Child support is an issue that can arise in an ongoing divorce as well as long after the matter has been finalized. Parents who receive or are obligated to pay this support may later need to seek enforcement of a child support order or modification when their material circumstances substantially change. It can also become an issue for unmarried parents who live apart, generally involving unmarried mothers seeking this financial support in paternity cases.
Regardless of the circumstances, child support is a vital matter that ensures that children receive the financial resources needed for their health, education, and overall well-being when their parents live in separate households. It is an issue that is part of Texas state law and thus must be resolved per the statutes. If you need advice, guidance, or representation in any matter related to Texas child support, The Locke Law Group can help. Our firm provides experienced and dedicated assistance in Texas family law matters that is designed to protect your parental rights while meeting the Texas court policy of serving the child’s best interests.
Contact The Locke Law Group online or at (210) 361-3113 to request a free initial consultation with a San Antonio child support attorney. Hablamos español.
Who Provides Child Support in TX?
Child support is generally required to be provided by the “non-custodial” parent to the other parent. The non-custodial parent is the one with whom the child spends the least amount of time. Texas law presumes that the custodial parent directly financially supports the child with daily food, shelter, clothing, and other pertinent necessities.
How Much Is Child Support in TX?
The state of Texas provides parents with a monthly child support calculator that is based on Texas guidelines. Your child support obligation as the paying parent is typically based on a percentage of your net monthly income.
This percentage depends on the number of children requiring support. For one child, 20% of net resources must be paid for child support; for two children, 25%; for three children, 30%; for four children, 35%; and for five or more children, 40%. Additionally, parents are required to provide medical and dental insurance coverage if it is available at a reasonable cost.
The Texas Attorney General's Office provides services to help establish paternity and obtain child support orders through their Child Support Division. This division works with employers, community organizations, and other state agencies to ensure that Texas families receive what is necessary in financial assistance.
Variations in Child Support Obligations
The amount of child support determined under Texas guidelines is presumed to be fair and accurate. However, that amount may be adjusted up or down if the court determines that the calculated payment is unjust or inappropriate for a parent. In these cases, the court will review various circumstances to decide a fair amount and will outline its reasons for doing so.
The court will consider various factors, such as how much time the child spends with each parent, a parent’s ability to pay, whether a parent is responsible for higher educational expenses, the custodial parent’s financial resources, and more.
Enforcing & Modifying Child Support Orders
Child support orders issued by the court are legally binding. Where a parent becomes negligent in paying it, as the receiving parent, you may have to seek enforcement through the courts. Modifications of support payments may also need to be sought in cases where either a parent or the child sustains substantial changes in circumstances. Examples of these changes could involve employment or health issues for a parent or child.
When Can Child Support Be Modified in TX?
Life circumstances can change, and when they do, it may be necessary to modify the child support agreement. Whether you are seeking an increase or decrease in child support payments, our San Antonio Child Support Lawyers can help you navigate the legal process.
Some common reasons for child support modification include:
- Change in income
- Change in custody arrangement
- Healthcare expenses
- Educational expenses
Our experienced attorneys can guide you through the necessary steps to request a modification and represent your interests in court if needed. We understand the importance of ensuring that child support arrangements reflect the current needs of both the custodial and non-custodial parent, and we are here to help you achieve a fair outcome.
Contact Us for Comprehensive Child Support Assistance in San Antonio
If you need legal help with any child support issue in or around San Antonio, please do not hesitate to request a free case evaluation at our firm as soon as possible. We are here to help you solve your family law issues.
Contact The Locke Law Group online or at (210) 361-3113 to request a free initial consultation with a San Antonio child support attorney. Hablamos español.